Sunday 15 July 2012

Earning On-line Money

Money, Money and money that what some of us think about the internet and actually some has achieved their goal as well like Mark Zukerberg owner of facebook, Larry Page and Sergey Brin fouders of Google.

But the point is that how to earn this easy money, Yes easy money because we think that sitting in front of the computer and earning is the way through which we can earn the money from the internet but my friend reality is entirely different which many of us do not know. 

Now the point is how to earn money from the internet, so below are the some points from which you can earn money but do not think that following the below methods can make you a billionaire.

  1. Promoting and Selling Digital Products ( )
Click Bank is a market place from where you can actually start you online business without spending even a single penny. you just have to register for the click bank account and start promoting or selling the digital products.

For making this more easier click bank people have created a Market place where actually you can select the product and promote it or sell it on the internet.

Now the main point is how to select the Product

Below are the points which we can follow for selecting the products:
  • Brainstorming a niche:  The first thing you need to do is think about what market you’d like to work in. Choosing a market related to your hobbies, skills, passions and experiences is an excellent starting point (after all, you’ll be spending a lot of time thinking about it!). Are you a cat lover? Have you had experience with a particular health problem? Did you ace languages at school? Do your friends come to you for relationship advice? Having an existing knowledge of a niche can be a big advantage when you come to marketing it, because it’s much faster and easier to write persuasive and credible copy for your sales pages when you know what you are talking about.
  • Understand your customers – Let’s say you added ‘playing guitar’ to your niche list in Step 1. If you wish to pursue this idea further, then it’s very important that you understand (1) who in this niche is buying, and (2) whatthey are buying. The easiest way to delve into the minds of your market is by browsing forums related to your niche. This is a great way of finding out buyers’ needs, wants, and problems. For example, some people in the guitar market will be looking for free guitar sheet music; these people probably won’t be interested in buying something from you. Others want to learn guitar fast so they can participate in an upcoming performance; these people are much more likely to want to buy something to help them achieve that goal. Reading guitar forums will help you absorb what matters most to people interested in playing guitar, which in turn will help you choose the best products to promote to them. Some other things to consider while you read: How can you target impulsive buyers in this market? How narrow is your niche? If it is too narrow you may find your target market is too small to make sales. If it’s too broad you’ll find it difficult to get your site ranked in search engines so prospects can find you.
  • Multiple Products – Ideally, you want to find a market that has multiple related products being sold through ClickBank. The reason for this is that if there is only one product available for the niche, even if it sells like hotcakes, you’ll almost certainly have a hard time competing with existing affiliates who are well-established in the market.
The other advantage of multiple products is that it allows you to create a review page, increasing your chances of making a sale. For example, if you are selling a “learn guitar” product, by including a few other “learn guitar” products on the same page, visitors will feel they’ve completed the evaluation phase of buying and are now in a position to purchase.
  • Selecting best-selling products - By now, you should have a good understanding of who your market is and what they are looking for. It’s now time to go back to ClickBank and search for some good products to promote that will meet their needs.
ClickBank uses a measure called ‘gravity’ to represent how well each product sells, based on how many sales have been made and how recent these sales were. We recommend focusing on products with a gravity of 30+, because these products have a proven track record of selling well for a number of different affiliates. Once you get below a gravity of 30, the chances of wasting your time pushing a white elephant start to increase.
A very high gravity (i.e. 100+) will generally indicate that there is a lot of competition in this niche. Don’t let that put you off. Competition is good because it means there’s lots of demand for products in that niche. It also means that there are potentially a lot of people with lists who you could form partnerships or JV’s (Joint Ventures) with.
I should point out that sometimes a low gravity product can still be worth promoting – it might simply be new, or an undiscovered gem. So while gravity is a helpful indication of selling potential, you shouldn’t reject an otherwise high-quality product solely because of its low gravity score.
  • High Commission Percentage (65% or greater) – Let’s face it: you’re not going to get rich on $2 commissions. In order for your marketing efforts to be worthwhile, you need to promote high commission products – that is, products paying out at least $18 per sale. Keep in mind that from a seemingly high commission, you’ll need to deduct your advertising expenses (e.g. AdWords) as well as your time. Of course, if a product has a high dollar value, then a lower commission percentage will still be a good investment.
  • Persuasive Vendor Pitch Page – Finally, don’t forget to take a long, hard look at the product’s sales page, since you will be relying on it to convert your HopLinks into commissions! Does it look convincing? Does it address the concerns of the market? Is it persuasive and credible, or does it sound over the top and unbelievable? Would you buy from a site that looked like that?
    2.   Playing Games ( )

Playing Games for free and moreover getting the money out of playing the game, what else can we think of. This is actually a good option. is a casual gaming website that gives away the money or prizes for just playing the games.
For more info you cal click on this link to get yourself enrolled.

    3.   Peers ( ) is website which provide you simple java client which runs in the background of the PC and leverages your system's idle resources (sunc as unused processing power, RAM, bandwicth) to test the performance of many of the world's most popular website.
This application performs tests that measure how websites perform for their visitors.and because it runs in the background of your PC so it will not affect your PC speed and processing.
Now the point is that how much you can earn from this application. From my experience I can tell you that is entirely depends on your surfing usage but the maximum you can earn in a month will not be more than $20-$30.
Please click on this link

Above are the some ways for which you can earn money but remember to get something you have to do something, do not think that without investing or without hard word you can earn a single penny as this internet is vast opportunity through which you can earn money, you can enhance you personality or improve you business.

There is one more way through which I think is the best way to earn money but only if you are trained, experienced or expert in that field i.e.

  1. Google Adsense ( )
Google Adsense is the simplest way to earn money for just publishing ads on their website suggested by Google. But actually it is not that much easy to get it because unless the data on the website is relevant you application  for Adsense account will not be approved.
If once you application is approved than you will have ample ways to explore the website market of ads.

How it works? as simple as that :
  • choose the type of adds you want to display
  • advertisers bid on the your inventory in a auction and then Google shows the highest paying add
  • The best part "GET PAID"

 You can visit the tour for Adsesne by clicking on the this link.

  1. Forex ( )
The most popular and most risky business through which you can earn millions in a single day and vise versa. if you do not have the experience of trading than it is going to be very difficult to understand.
But now a days these people are providing a virtual interface just like the actual trading where you can try and decide that you can do it or not.

It is actually like a virtual share market which works on real money. They are providing online courses in the form of videos and seminars through which you can have masters on this field and prove what everyone say on the internet "BECOME A MILLIONAIRE IN ONE DAY".